Brazilian social crisis

Amanda da Cruz Costa
5 min readAug 9, 2020


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Humanity is experiencing a multiplicity of crisis: environmental, social, economic, climate, democracy (with the rise of conservative governments). All of these crises were enhanced by Coronavirus, which already totals more than 100 thousand dealths in Brazil.

In other words, the 2030 Agenda social goals:

  • Less than 5% progressed properly;
  • 68% did not advance — 42% were retreating;
  • 13% are unable to be evaluated.

We have an extremely tight budget to confront poverty and hunger, as well as health, education and environmental issues. The pandemic highlights the consequences of the “austerity policy” employed and deepened in the current government, charging thousands of people.

Regarding to food security, CONSEA was closed down in the early 2019 (with a mass withdrawal of social control of spaces), although the FAO/UN has already informed the high possibility of Brazil re-entering the Hunger Map, which the country was capable to get out of in 2014.

The HIV/AIDS policy in Brazil still makes global references for the last 3 decades, but it is at risk. Despite a stabilized trend in the South and Southeast, it is still increasing in the North and Northeast. Structural and institutional racism is evident: almost 60% of the deaths are associated with black people with HIV/AIDS.

Several other health policies have been dismantled. The new structure on Primary Care violates the basic principles of SUS (Public Health System). It is symptomatic that we are experiencing one of the most severe pandemics in history, joined by a brainless Minister of Health and that specialists with life long experience and strategic areas have been replaced by military personnel who have no training in the area and are inexperienced with SUS (Public Health System).

This scenario makes evident Brazilian setback, which operates in an exploratory and unsustainable logic: combating science, easing environmental management, dismantling public policies and intensifying structural poverty, which increased from 6.4% to 6.6%.

There was a rupture in the dialogue with civil society, making democratic governance to plummet in a geometric progression. This attitude made Brazil fall in the ranking of democratic performance, starting to occupy the fifty second position of 167 countries and the 10th place in Latin America.

With this, the female population becomes the most impacted, mainly bçack, indigenous, quilombolas and riverside. There has been a strong setback in guaranteeing women’s rights: between 2014 until 2019 the resources of the Policy Program for women has been reduced by 75%!

Brazil is a deeply unequal, sexist and racist country. The pandemic caused by COVID-19 opened up the structural racism that the country has faced since its foundation. As an example, we can highlight the social indicators of 2019, which show that, in 2018, white people earned on average 73.9% more than black people.


We have an intense weakening in the field of Education. By 2019, only 4 of the 20 goals in the Plano Nacional de Educação (National Education Plan) have made some progress but none has been completely accomplished.

We have seen Growth in the functional illiteracy rate: 29% in 2018!

Regarding gender issues, violations of women and the LGBTI+ population rights still continues. Besides budget cuts, several other data on violence, such as Disque 180 has not been announced anymore.

In relation to child marriages, Brazil is in 4th place of absolute numbers. The number on sexual abuse cases against children and adolescents has been the highest ever since 2011.

On security issues, we have observed a deterioration in the justice access and incarceration as a security policy. In addition, there is a strong persecution of human rights activist and the defender of human rights, often are governmental actions. We also note a weakening of mechanisms to prevent and combat corruption. The perception on corruption in this country has worsened 3 years in a row. It is the worst score in historical series since 2012.

While Brazil is going through one of the worst crisis, productive sectors are taking advantage of the pandemic to postpone responsibilities for the future of the planet.


The pandemic highlighted inequalities, underfunding of essential policies and the inability of the current Brazilian government to implement the 2030 Agenda.

The deterioration in access to justice shows the importance of civil society, a great defender of human rights, in ensuring that the 2030 Agenda continues to be promoted, discussed and implemented.

However, our effort alone is not enough, It’s necessary to reorient public policies, foster a democratic culture of citizen participation and finance in national projects and campaigns.

Despite the horrific scenario, I am willing to invest my energy to build a participatory country. Today I got the opportunity to be a spokeswoman of everyone who believes in an inclusive, collaborative and sustainable country. Thank You!

Anti-racist ecofeminist working on global issues. Graduated in International Relations, Amanda undertakes PerifaSustentavel, is a columnist for Agência Jovem de Notícias and acts as a network mobilizer for Youth Climate Leaders. Enthusiastic about the 2030 Agenda, it aims to mobilize young people to build an inclusive, collaborative and sustainable Brazil, through the networks Engajamundo, Global Shapers Community e United People Global.



Amanda da Cruz Costa
Amanda da Cruz Costa

Written by Amanda da Cruz Costa

#ForbesUnder 30 | Conselheira Jovem da ONU | Dir. Executiva do Perifa Sustentável

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